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How do you make sure that your ESG plan is making good on its promises? Asks Ted Dhillon


By Ted Dhillon

Below is an excerpt from the article, How To Make Sure Your ESG Strategy Is Making A Differenceoriginally published by Forbes on June 23, 2022.

Now, the SEC in America and the Federal Government in Canada are making moves toward mandating that publicly traded companies disclose their climate-related risks.

Purpose-washing can easily occur when businesses get caught up in the hype of ESG. It’s not about making splashy campaigns. ESG is a data-driven approach to sustainability that has the power to drive positive change for both people and the planet. So, how do you make sure that your ESG plan is going to make good on its promises?

An effective ESG strategy can be boiled down to these three elements: setting goals, tracking your progress, and taking a holistic approach.

Click here for the full article and discover more about what makes an effective ESG strategy.

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